armin's playing tonight at zouk while i'm at home baking.
pistachio this time, it's mom's favourite flavour. got quite alot of pistachio buttercream leftover so the plan for tmr(courtesy of my sister Yusra) is to slather it over plain muffins.
Success at last!!
it was a big mess the first time i tried making buttercream. from an undomestic goddess who screwed up instant mango pudding(from muji) to a spatula wielding macarooner WHEE!!
so far i've conquered lemon, rose and chocolate macarons. latest one to add to that list is pistachio.
friends are welcomed to join me in my quest to take over the world one macaron flavour at a time. my only requirement is that you have to be willing to help with the washing up after.
(That means you, Nas)
been spending a bulk of my time at home with bunny.
i let him run around in my room. poor Toastie is so big now but i can't find a cage bigger than the one i currently have so i let him out for as long as possible. He's grown so much in a span of 3 months, i do hope he stops growing soon.
He's adorable though! spend many good hours watching him binky around the room.
anyone know a good groomer that does housecalls cuz Toastie got majorly stressed out last time i brought him to the groomers? even pooped weird after. yikes!
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