Sunday, December 13, 2009
i used to love room service. how i am presented a 3 course meal served to me in the comfort of the soft downy duvet, food at the touch of a button.
that was B.J.
Before Josh.
breakfast for 2 has certainly opened my eyes!
tv trays were made for 2!
New York Steak and eggs, breakfast for 1 verdict:
charred tinged with sad.
japanese breakfasts aren't funny disgusting, now they're just disgusting. gross disgusting.
room service for 1 lacklustres.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
everytime i see this word i go, ' lily-ac! '
then i start berating myself internally for sprouting such nonsense..
then i start berating myself internally for sprouting such nonsense..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
i really like Whole Foods. besides being organic and pro-green, they present me with various choices of healthy shit, yummy healthy shit at it!
like yesterday i had mum's homemade soup -which is basically a clear chicken(free range of course) carrots, celery and onion all thrown in- and a slab of sesame covered seared tuna fillet.
it's heavenly laa! imagine this: hunk of tuna, sesame seeds, nigella seeds and wasabi covering the sides, seared lightly so the centre's still pink and raw, cut a slab about an inch thick horizontally and you've got yourself the garden of eden. throw in a mix of rocket and red chard and squeeze a wedge of lemon. ta-da!
it made me feel so fucking organic.
their breads....don't get me started on their freshly made daily breads. sourdough, kalamata olives, four cheeses, fruit and nut, whole grained, ciabata, foccasia, the works! the aroma alone can kill.
for dinner i had 2 tofu spring rolls(the vietnamese sort rolled with rice paper) half expecting it to taste like my copy of the thelondonpaper but it was just bursting with freshness. like freshly cut grass. i loved it!! loved it!
please don't take my word for it. go see for yourself how Whole Foods can influence a completely new and healthy lifestyle for you. gawd i sound like an ad!?
i suppose the only downside is the disposable wooden(very environmentally friendly la) forks and spoons. they're cute to boot but it tinged my vanilla panna cotta with a little wooden flavour. so i ended up eating my dessert with my nose pinched.
Monday, September 7, 2009
in a bid to distract myself i'm going on a shopping spree. there's nothing else to do here at high street kensington except for maybe have scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam.
choices choices..
1)stuff my face
2) dig a massive hole in my pocket
urban outfitters, H&M, topshop, zara, gap - they're all lined up along the street.
i choose the latter.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i'm nesting.
it started with a space invaders ice cube tray, then it seemed like a good idea to have lavender scenting our place so in came aromatherapy oils and scented wood.
more recently josh and i acquired a set of fridge magnets by JLed fr the comic and toy convention.
the latest splurge spurred on by Trisha, saw me getting my paws on a queen-sized goose and down duvet complete with drumrollls duvet/pillow covers and fitted bedsheets.
this is me B.C. acquiring my own place. Be worried. Be very very worried.
Monday, July 27, 2009
another random post that doesn't garner a title.
i deleted the previous post.
a couple of days ago i went to Joanne's to get my hair washed and blown for ayu's wedding dinner, that's when it hit me.
back in 2007, for the better part of it, spurred on by my then newly acquired overwhelm of finances -this was after Alan and before Joanne- i decided that my magnificent mane deserved only the best, Toni & Guy best. 460 buckaroos worth of best. ouch right..
so anyhoos here's the thing, i don't remember being head over heels infatuated with my wash girl/boy, in fact i can't even remember the hairwash itself. it wasn't bad or anything, just very forgettable.
so this completely bazookas the first post on how i fall hopelessly and utterly in love with my washboy/girl/dyke.
Monday, July 13, 2009
salt water kisses
we sat in pseudo rain.
still and silent with,
fallen rain crashing all around us.
without prompting
like a mind reader,
you knew the words
to soothe my wounded heart.
merging together,
tiny droplets of water
become one.
just as we are.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
a stolen moment
to sit so close our knees touch
you stare at me,
unfaltering gaze sees through to my soul
my fingers do a little dance along the indent of your sternum
moving upwards,
it traces the contours of your lips
you lean in,
the shadow of your lashes cast upon your cheek
inhaling your signature scent
warmth radiates from your skin
so close we're almost touching
i breathe you in
the moment transcends
you stare at me,
unfaltering gaze sees through to my soul
my fingers do a little dance along the indent of your sternum
moving upwards,
it traces the contours of your lips
you lean in,
the shadow of your lashes cast upon your cheek
inhaling your signature scent
warmth radiates from your skin
so close we're almost touching
i breathe you in
the moment transcends
Friday, May 8, 2009
My hands are searching for you
My arms are outstretched towards you
I feel you on my fingertips
My tongue dances behind my lips for you
My hands float up above me
And you whisper you love me
And I begin to fade
Into our secret place
And so I cry
The light is white
And I see you
Take my hand
I give it to you
Now you own me
All I am
You said you would never leave me
I believe you
I believe
My arms are outstretched towards you
I feel you on my fingertips
My tongue dances behind my lips for you
My hands float up above me
And you whisper you love me
And I begin to fade
Into our secret place
And so I cry
The light is white
And I see you
Take my hand
I give it to you
Now you own me
All I am
You said you would never leave me
I believe you
I believe
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
my week of 'ifs'
if i were stronger
if you had more to give
if she took a left turn
if he were a day earlier
if they didn't judge
if we hadn't run
if it were that simple
if things were different
if life dealt a different hand
if love didn't hurt
if aesthetics weren't valued
if daydreaming were a crime
if the end came too soon
if you had more to give
if she took a left turn
if he were a day earlier
if they didn't judge
if we hadn't run
if it were that simple
if things were different
if life dealt a different hand
if love didn't hurt
if aesthetics weren't valued
if daydreaming were a crime
if the end came too soon
Friday, March 13, 2009
how did we get here
i used to laugh,
fall to my knees and shake with mirth.
we used to cry,
held onto each other like we'd never let go.
and how we ran.
running around playing grown up games, ran headlong into trouble, ran from things deemed unfavorable. we'd run circles around ourselves for amusement.
now there's only one entity i seem to be running from, and it's myself.
fall to my knees and shake with mirth.
we used to cry,
held onto each other like we'd never let go.
and how we ran.
running around playing grown up games, ran headlong into trouble, ran from things deemed unfavorable. we'd run circles around ourselves for amusement.
now there's only one entity i seem to be running from, and it's myself.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
i'm in love.
not just in love but in love with a woman.
not just any woman but a china woman.
she gives the best head/neck/shoulder massage ever. and when she washes my hair, i get to sit in not just any chair but a massage chair?!! whee!! and she's ever so gentle. i wish my josh were gifted in washing hair too. josh is gifted, rather in other ways...
it's a monday night. we went to wine bar. had 1-for1 lychee martini and a beer and a little green label. i told them only idiots start the week by opening a bottle. did they listen?
obviously yours truly isn't taken seriously after a beer. after a beer and 2 lychee martinis and some green label, they practically ignored my slurring.
just to get me through my dreary day, i've poured some green label into my water bottle for class tomorrow. hur hur..
but i'm not alcoholic.
not just in love but in love with a woman.
not just any woman but a china woman.
she gives the best head/neck/shoulder massage ever. and when she washes my hair, i get to sit in not just any chair but a massage chair?!! whee!! and she's ever so gentle. i wish my josh were gifted in washing hair too. josh is gifted, rather in other ways...
it's a monday night. we went to wine bar. had 1-for1 lychee martini and a beer and a little green label. i told them only idiots start the week by opening a bottle. did they listen?
obviously yours truly isn't taken seriously after a beer. after a beer and 2 lychee martinis and some green label, they practically ignored my slurring.
just to get me through my dreary day, i've poured some green label into my water bottle for class tomorrow. hur hur..
but i'm not alcoholic.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
staying home for lunch today. mom's cooking fish head curry complete with fried pampodums. i'm not the biggest fan of fish head curry but i'll take a couple of bites for morale support i suppose.
josh quite liked my guacamole(4th attempt). made some for brunch yesterday. my first attempt was a disaster. my guacamole wasn't even a shade of green, it was coral?! i realised it was prolly the result of the 2 unripened avocados i blended in.
my second attempt simply didn't fall through cuz the 2 avocados i set aside to ripen, well i sorta manage to forget about them and flew off to dubai for a week. it upset mom a little when the avocados started oozing some greenish liquid over other veggies in the vegetable drawer. she unceremoniously dumped them into the trash before i could return home to salvage some.
third attempt: a success! like finally right..
mommy and i devoured a bag of nachos with my homemade guacamole while watching ip man(pronounced as eep-mun, not I-P-MAN i don't see the difference) on DVD last week.
it's got my vote. i wanted to write it off as another asian bruce lee flick but it had substantial storyline to pull it off.
hur hur..i'm gonna be damn not shy and share my(or rather it's karol's handed to me) guacamole recipe. easy-peasy. the only challenging part is getting the avocados right, i mean ripe.
Trust me.
Guacamole Recipe
2 avocados(ripe and regular-sized)
1 tomato
1 onion(small-sized big onion)
1 clove garlic
1 lime
salt & pepper
The How To
skin garlic and onion,
throw into blender with tomato, squeeze juice from lime and add salt & pepper to taste.
throw avocados in(for the benefit of bimbos -i'm not mentioning names here) without its' skin and seed.
blend til smooth.
josh quite liked my guacamole(4th attempt). made some for brunch yesterday. my first attempt was a disaster. my guacamole wasn't even a shade of green, it was coral?! i realised it was prolly the result of the 2 unripened avocados i blended in.
my second attempt simply didn't fall through cuz the 2 avocados i set aside to ripen, well i sorta manage to forget about them and flew off to dubai for a week. it upset mom a little when the avocados started oozing some greenish liquid over other veggies in the vegetable drawer. she unceremoniously dumped them into the trash before i could return home to salvage some.
third attempt: a success! like finally right..
mommy and i devoured a bag of nachos with my homemade guacamole while watching ip man(pronounced as eep-mun, not I-P-MAN i don't see the difference) on DVD last week.
it's got my vote. i wanted to write it off as another asian bruce lee flick but it had substantial storyline to pull it off.
hur hur..i'm gonna be damn not shy and share my(or rather it's karol's handed to me) guacamole recipe. easy-peasy. the only challenging part is getting the avocados right, i mean ripe.
Trust me.
Guacamole Recipe
2 avocados(ripe and regular-sized)
1 tomato
1 onion(small-sized big onion)
1 clove garlic
1 lime
salt & pepper
The How To
skin garlic and onion,
throw into blender with tomato, squeeze juice from lime and add salt & pepper to taste.
throw avocados in(for the benefit of bimbos -i'm not mentioning names here) without its' skin and seed.
blend til smooth.
Friday, February 27, 2009

meet my al-kaeda friend. his name's karl. on most days he's busy with work, i think he's in planning or one of those divisions, but on other nights we go out for to iguana for strawberry kiwi margaritas and catch armin @ zouk. i like!
i like my friend karl. he rides a dirt bike and if i wear really high heels and/or when i'm sober enough he let's me sit on it and pretend to ride. karl's helmet's really spiffy. it's got some hidden megatron/bumble bee(some transformer dewd) embedded into it's design.
i met karl last year on valentine's day.
we went on a safari and touched lion cubs in the afternoon. then watched russell peters and did not smoke pot. it was a memorable valentine's to say the least.
karl likes mee sua. mee sua special down @ circular road coffeeshop. his favourite supper!
i like karl. cuz karl sent me his whole harddrive of grey's anatomy season 4 and private practice. for that i am forever grateful to karl. go karl!
Friday, February 6, 2009
when i was a little girl i had such notions that when i grew up, i'd like nothing else than to be Madonna. Maddy. like a virgin.
then into my teens there were temporary fixations to become the mrs keating(ronan) or mrs carter(nick). but mostly i aspired to be rich. wifey and rich. In other words: tai-tai.
now in my 20's i'd like nothing more than to smoke pot and fornicate.
old friend: oh hello it's been awhile how've you been?
me: well thanks.
old friend: so wot do you do now? i work in a bank.
me: i smoke pot and fornicate.
then into my teens there were temporary fixations to become the mrs keating(ronan) or mrs carter(nick). but mostly i aspired to be rich. wifey and rich. In other words: tai-tai.
now in my 20's i'd like nothing more than to smoke pot and fornicate.
old friend: oh hello it's been awhile how've you been?
me: well thanks.
old friend: so wot do you do now? i work in a bank.
me: i smoke pot and fornicate.
Friday, January 30, 2009
you tripped on the curb, walking along hillside drive, walking to school. i remember Rachel and i laughing. you laughed along.
the short malay boy with nice hair we used to skeeze in the 854 bus on the way to school in the mornings...
how you wore your hair short and cropped at the sides.
Sunset bay. our first foam party. my first time being groped. we fell asleep at the back of the stationary van til dawn.
a picture i recently found stashed away in my sentimental drawer. intended to show it to you when you came around. that, and the cd cover you specially designed for my 15th birthday, kept in mint condition on my bookshelf.
i remember how pretty you looked in your baju kurung one year at hari raya. only you could pull off a gold baju kurung without it looking tacky.
our photoshoot at the esplanade. You; the brilliant photographer. Me; the pouty muse.
being dragged out of zouk, away from paul van dyk. you babysat me, held my hair while i puked and passed me over to adam.
Flea & Easy. my first ever. with you.
our last date. just you and me. blue jazz dinner. long walk that followed. odeon tower. macs. long talk. longer than any we've ever had.
"Dah pangsai? Babe pls tc. Dun make urself look bad withn those ppl. U will b betr. Bt dun take too long 2 b bettr. Even if u perasan forevr young. Love ya!"
you laughed, seemingly unaffected by your condition.
you were always the brave one.
you don't have to feel the pain any longer.
no more discomfort. just peace.
You, i will miss dearly.
farhana dec 1st 1983-jan 18 2009

the short malay boy with nice hair we used to skeeze in the 854 bus on the way to school in the mornings...
how you wore your hair short and cropped at the sides.
Sunset bay. our first foam party. my first time being groped. we fell asleep at the back of the stationary van til dawn.
a picture i recently found stashed away in my sentimental drawer. intended to show it to you when you came around. that, and the cd cover you specially designed for my 15th birthday, kept in mint condition on my bookshelf.
i remember how pretty you looked in your baju kurung one year at hari raya. only you could pull off a gold baju kurung without it looking tacky.
our photoshoot at the esplanade. You; the brilliant photographer. Me; the pouty muse.
being dragged out of zouk, away from paul van dyk. you babysat me, held my hair while i puked and passed me over to adam.
Flea & Easy. my first ever. with you.
our last date. just you and me. blue jazz dinner. long walk that followed. odeon tower. macs. long talk. longer than any we've ever had.
"Dah pangsai? Babe pls tc. Dun make urself look bad withn those ppl. U will b betr. Bt dun take too long 2 b bettr. Even if u perasan forevr young. Love ya!"
you laughed, seemingly unaffected by your condition.
you were always the brave one.
you don't have to feel the pain any longer.
no more discomfort. just peace.
You, i will miss dearly.
farhana dec 1st 1983-jan 18 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"late night frog porridge
snapped inner tubing of bicycle wheel
how we managed is a wonder!
walked the way instead
looked away when White Shorts took Mr Froggie to the back
you looked on
made a face through supper
made me giggle
kept me warm
2 cushions + balcony floor
sleep crept in too fast
night was too cool
you were too perfect."
- summer nights
snapped inner tubing of bicycle wheel
how we managed is a wonder!
walked the way instead
looked away when White Shorts took Mr Froggie to the back
you looked on
made a face through supper
made me giggle
kept me warm
2 cushions + balcony floor
sleep crept in too fast
night was too cool
you were too perfect."
- summer nights
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
i realised a blog starts turning into a photo gallery once one posts more photos than actual writing on it.
Mine kinda looks in danger of such.
i blame it on the limited 24hours a day consists of.
Now that i have a boyfriend. Yes, i'm not afraid to say it out loud. No, i'm not afraid to officially announce it fearing that some bad juju will come take it away the moment i do.
His name is Josh. And i am in love with him. He makes me smile.
Work has been a bitch. Recession.
What recession??!
People are still crossing continents with regularity. Merely a week went by after the airport scare before hoards of holiday makers(children in tow) flocked to Bangkok. The planes are almost always full.I'm still being worked like a dog. Life goes on.
On another note altogether, i went for my 2nd driving lesson this afternoon.
so exhilarating!
"Half clutch...minyak....minyak lagi, girl!"
Sam's an encouraging instructor. Sometimes i can't quite understand him though. He throws in one too many malay words which takes me an extra point 2 seconds to process.
Minyak by the way is the malay equivalent for oil.
Oil = Accelerator.
Went on some 'S' course today. we tested my skills on the slope too.
Not bad huh? For someone who's flung her basic theory 3 times and final theory once(and counting..).
When i grow up....oh wait, i AM grown up?!
Well when i grow older(read: financially equipped) i'd like to buy myself a vintaage volkswagen Camper classic, install a karaoke machine with cushy love seats at the back and go on weekend karaoke roadtrips! Yay!
We could have open mic sessions on each stopover. Or those bring-your-own-mic(BYOM) nights.
Mine kinda looks in danger of such.
i blame it on the limited 24hours a day consists of.
Now that i have a boyfriend. Yes, i'm not afraid to say it out loud. No, i'm not afraid to officially announce it fearing that some bad juju will come take it away the moment i do.
His name is Josh. And i am in love with him. He makes me smile.
Work has been a bitch. Recession.
What recession??!
People are still crossing continents with regularity. Merely a week went by after the airport scare before hoards of holiday makers(children in tow) flocked to Bangkok. The planes are almost always full.I'm still being worked like a dog. Life goes on.
On another note altogether, i went for my 2nd driving lesson this afternoon.
so exhilarating!
"Half clutch...minyak....minyak lagi, girl!"
Sam's an encouraging instructor. Sometimes i can't quite understand him though. He throws in one too many malay words which takes me an extra point 2 seconds to process.
Minyak by the way is the malay equivalent for oil.
Oil = Accelerator.
Went on some 'S' course today. we tested my skills on the slope too.
Not bad huh? For someone who's flung her basic theory 3 times and final theory once(and counting..).
When i grow up....oh wait, i AM grown up?!
Well when i grow older(read: financially equipped) i'd like to buy myself a vintaage volkswagen Camper classic, install a karaoke machine with cushy love seats at the back and go on weekend karaoke roadtrips! Yay!
We could have open mic sessions on each stopover. Or those bring-your-own-mic(BYOM) nights.
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