This one goes like this...
A fateful night at velvet, 2 years back while i was still a trainee there was some crew night event where entry charges were waived and *drum rolls.. free flow of mr alkie!! Yas was a 'happy trooper' that night.
Fast forward to 2008. Midway thru 10 hour flight to johannesburg.
Enter Sandy.
Some insight on Sandy. Sandy's a dewd who Yas has seen around during training days. Never knew his name. He's one of those familiar faces that your brain tells you, 'hey i've seen him before.'. But that's as far as my knowledge of Sandy's existence goes.
I was on my way to the loo when i bumped into Sandy, and he's all like stoic-faced and betraying no emotion whatsoever he says this, i quote-
"remember that time at velvet, crew night..you were with karen. You completely threw yourself at me."
It took me awhile to comprehend the words coming outta his mouth. Cuz just by looking at him, his expression(or lack of it) you couldn't tell if he was saying, "do you want some tissue paper?" or "your hair looks funny." I couldn't tell.
So i stood there with that majorly confused airhead expression for a good minute or so.
Then it comes back to me. Fuzzy at first. Then like a snowball rolling off the side of a cliff, it grows larger and finally comes crashing down on me.
I then start stuttering like a fool.
"omg like....omg, i.... i....don't know wot to say. erm...sorry?? sorry for jumping you?... i honestly don't remember. erm... erm. I apologise for outraging your modesty all those years ago. erm...ok i'll go now. but i'm really sorry...."
All those years ago, and i only NOW learn of my foul behaviour. i cringe at the thought of how many more of these 'lapses' have occurred without my hazy drunken knowledge.
I saw Raja today.
She walked past as i was having dinner.
She waved and smiled as she strolled past.
She was wearing green.
The girl with her was wearing green too.
A similar shade of green.
Raja was wearing a green polo Tee.
She looked nice. As always.
I saw Raja today.
She smiled as she walked past.
i cracked up when i saw the picture of ur cat. i can only describe its expression as mortified. anyways love, dont worry! we all have those horrid alcohol-induced lapses! BUT I LOVEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUU much k! hopefully see you at dinner tonight =D
here's my expression upon reading your entry :|
could the last few, almost repetitive lines be a result of a lapse too? :|
muffin ought to look mortified! With his recent discovery that his owner does such appalling things to innocent young things.
tsk tsk..
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