Tuesday, July 1, 2008

daily dose of randomness

we sat by the side of the skating rink, taking a breather. That's when we noticed the lady sporting the obvious baby bump. She had with her another 2 toddlers on hand.

yours truly: 'they're prolly like the good christian sort. Non-believers in contraceptives..'
gris: 'huh.. isn't that China?'

On a whim we walked into a petshop and bought ourselves a roborovski hamster each. Bush and Forrest. Hers, mine respectively.
Glaring at Forrest running frantically in his wheel.
gris: "wah yours like on some fitness programme."

later in the evening our semi-vegetative bodies litter kim's living room area, Bubbles and Little Britain blares in the background.
Kim upon noticing nas's badly band-aided feet.
"omg nas. Did you tread through a minefield or something."
Nas: "New shoes."

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