Sunday, July 27, 2008

"it's still raining. Don't you think it's urging us to hug..."

"My point is, if i died today you'll be sad and you'd grieve.
But if you died today, i'd die too."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

donations to the Kate Spade fund pays off.

mine mine mine!
All fucking mine!!
Impulsive, yes i'll admit that. But the glee, the goosebumps, the warm fuzzy feeling; priceless.

Wild daisies growing by the side of the road in zurich. Pretty.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I sit across you on the tiled floor. Something gets caught at the back of my throat. I find myself wanting nothing more.
Nothing more than to sit here in this moment.
Cold tiles.
With paperhearts in the background.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

matchstick boy

Looks like you now officially have a page in my book. And you've also had a year of my life, 2007 was unrivalledly yours.

But what i failed to mention earlier though was, that you also have a drawer. A drawer in my bookshelf. Filled solely with your letters, your artwork, your heart.
And mine.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

daily dose of randomness

we sat by the side of the skating rink, taking a breather. That's when we noticed the lady sporting the obvious baby bump. She had with her another 2 toddlers on hand.

yours truly: 'they're prolly like the good christian sort. Non-believers in contraceptives..'
gris: 'huh.. isn't that China?'

On a whim we walked into a petshop and bought ourselves a roborovski hamster each. Bush and Forrest. Hers, mine respectively.
Glaring at Forrest running frantically in his wheel.
gris: "wah yours like on some fitness programme."

later in the evening our semi-vegetative bodies litter kim's living room area, Bubbles and Little Britain blares in the background.
Kim upon noticing nas's badly band-aided feet.
"omg nas. Did you tread through a minefield or something."
Nas: "New shoes."