Playing on my iTunes:
Gabriel and Dresden
i was having a particularly trying day at work last wednesday. *Jenni, my in-charge was being a complete cunt.
* names were changed so as to protect the cunt's true identity.
Misery prevailed. Staying composed under siege like that was difficult, bordering impossible. I tried to remain professional about it, get on with the job. I swear i tried.
Everyone has their limits. Mine exhausts very quickly. I guess it showed on my face. Ok wait, i know it showed on my face cause my customers were giving me words of encouragement, and tapping me on the shoulder. My customers. Plus i kept muttering to myself. So shame shame..
One particularly sweet customer of mine, besides cheering me up with idle talk littered with jokes, gave me his book. The Kite Runner.
I caught the movie earlier on that week. Apparently it's shot in obscure parts of china, untouched by urbanisation and man in general.
Before handing the book to me, he asked to borrow my pen. I was pressed for time so i pretty much chucked the book into my locker without flipping through to see it's content. Figured i'd find his name and cell number scribbled in there.
I was in a cab on my way home when i finally read what he wrote.
Here's what i found,
I was very impressed when I saw you pray in your moment of stress. Trust Goad and the talents He has given you and you will greatly succeed.
M. Frederick"
What i was actually mumbling:
"omg. ok fuck. ok breathe. Just breathe. Ok...ok. ok. OK. KNN cheebye bitch. AGAIN?! Fuck fuck. Fuckety fuck."
The sweet man. What would he think if he knew the truth.
Hahaha :) Anyway I like ur hair..
thanks richelle.
Hopefully Mr M. Fredericks will pardon me, if i ever cross paths with him again.
i like your hair as well babe.
see ya soon.
and mr freds would hopefully pardon u if u showed up with a hot kinky angel costume. haha.
cinz the 'see ya soon' will be put into action literally!!
London SQ308 on the 10th whee!
and miss Adrianne will keep you busy after i leave. she's going up on the 13th.
i'm trying to change to her flight keep your fingers crossed!
*buzzing with excitement
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