today's job:
serve 200 indians on a 5hr flight,
kinda feel like i deserve some sort of medal. like, "thank you, i'm so grateful to be bestowed this I-Shouldn't-Be-Alive award, of course i have to give credit to dear friend valium, how else would i have achieved the unthinkable. there were bleak moments i admit but your calming effects put life back into my stride. Thank you and god bless."
so after that wretched 5hrs i ran to nassy for reprieve/dinner. not before wiring starhub part of the amount i owe them. ouch. oh and if you ever get a half A4 sized envelope, don't open it. Trust me just take wot you need and run. never look back.
don't say i didn't warn's wot i told nassy:
i need a special drink pls, one that if you've spent the last 5hrs 35000ft up in the air with 200 indians and who's starhub bill just turned her into a penniless pauper, that sorta drink special drink por favor.
here's wot she brought: 1 bottle ginseng chrysanthemum and 1 bottle water chestnut drink.
You just gotta love that doofus!