the thing about running away from your problems, is that they almost always come back to bite you in the nads.
and dang that's gonna hurt!
wish I had been warned in the folly of my youth.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
found this while clearing out my phone.
24 Dec 2009
imagine this,
the year was 2006. Christmas eve.
flew into melbourne at ard 9pm.
feeling pretty miserable.
in love. in(unrequited) love.
pick me, choose me, love me.
that was the year. slept Christmas away. 18 full hours.
save for the periodic reliefs to the bathroom.
exhaustion or depression,
rest or relief,
love or nothing.
it's now 2009.
paris beckons.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
sitting up in my bed.
wondering wot it'll be like if i didn't need to have a job. all that time wasted making money..
i'd rather use that time to learn new skills.
like cooking and baking,
or how to hem my pants,
or learn a new language like french.
to finally learn to drive and drum,
to be a volunteer at a home.
or to sit in the library,
consumed by the books around me......
wot i'll do if i didn't have a day job?
p.s. i'll gladly trade in the 'Around the World Shopping' perks for a Life without Day Jobs.
Saturday, December 4, 2010

hello world!
this here is a cocotte. according to the french that is. basically it's a dutch oven; a thick-walled cooking pot. Or a more common term for it is casserole. but it sounds terribly dull in british english(casserole).
they're my star buy at the mall yesterday. there was a sale and these babies went for €1 each.
yes they did!:)
spent the last hour searching for cocotte recipes online.
And thanks to the fact that it's well into winter i won't have problems packing 'em into my suitcase.(read: winter clothes - scarve, coat, knit, knit option2, knit dress, furry hat)
paddings galore.

this was taken last week while walking along bleeker street.
we were lucky that day, weather held up and it stayed a balmy 12 degrees so a simple cardi sufficed. That guy claimed to be a fashion blogger from paris and wanted a photo for his blog. it validated the extra 10mins spent on eye make-up. i was so exhausted though, 8 hour flight from frankfurt + battling the jet-lag.
wanting to put my feet up versus wasting precious minutes in the mother of all cities in the world: New York.
i'm sure some would beg to differ but it's my personal favourite and i would give an arm and a leg to be there over the holidays with josh of course. doesn't seem to be working out as i hoped though.
fingers still crossed...
and a parting shot of muffin with a bouquet from Nas for being an unwilling important person in my upcoming celebrations. pfft!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
"on an average 5-10% of people who receive CPR survive."
of course the rate improves with the aid of an AED but that rates varies with the time taken to introduce the AED into the situation.other factors include the age and well-being of the recipient, and how long he/she had been incapacitated for.
basically even with the introduction of multiple AEDs in various locations in malls and places with high volumes of people of late, CPR is more likely to kill than save ones life.
it's a dismal monday..
Saturday, October 30, 2010
is it horridly wrong of me to want to stay home on a sat with just a book and some chips for company...
both my sisters are frantically running around the house putting together the final touches to their halloween costumes(a vampire and the queen of hearts) even my mom and dad have made some dinner reservations.
i'm sitting here excited with the prospect of having the house all to myself for once.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
it was raining outside -correction it was storming outside- earlier.
not your atypical tropical storm either, storming blow-your-brollie-concave, winds-so-strong-from-every-direction-dousing-you-with-cold-hard-rain, hang-onto-wot's-left-of-your-brollie-til-your-knuckles-turn-white type of storm.
the weatherman warned that it was gonna blow in from north carolina this week.
braved the storm and rewarded myself with Youth in Revolt and Zombieland. And even tho i've already seen zombieland it's so trashy funny that i feel compelled to give it another go.
yes, i'm finally getting outta bed.
it's 12:14. No, it's not for hunger sake. No, i need to return the damned dvd by 3. else.......actually i don't know wot the fee for late return is here. all i know if i swipe my Mastecard and key in some phony postal code i get to rent latest dvds at $1. Get outta here nothing goes for a dollar anymore you're thinking...
it does. at a dvd kiosk at duane reade no less(yay to reese's peanut butter cups!! and arizona green tea)
The Greatest turned out to be(on the contrary)a dud. carey mulligan, pierce brosnan, susan sarandon, aaron johnson, zoe kravitz, you'd think with a cast like that it'd be a brilliant show. sadly it fell short. i'm thinking Chloe next.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
passport united states of america
so much clothes,
so little a baggage weight limitation...
i've since acquired a newfound respect for those who have to adhere to regular baggage regulations.
guess i've found an answer to my own question,
"why didn't you just check the whole lot in instead of dragging it onto the plane?(then we won't have this problem of stowing your big-assed bag?)"
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
celebrations are in order. i've finally made it past the 100th entry. 2 years 6 months and (what's 24 - 8)16 days, 102 entries as of today.
either i'm losing that grey matter that resides in the frontal cortex also known as the medulla oblongata. dissipating into thin air replaced by the likes of "i'm sorry, sir", "thank you, madam", "do enjoy your meal", "please fasten your seatbelts"
or i'm just learning the art of 'Speak when you're spoken to'.
by contrast my old blog had new entries every week and was plastered with photos of my happy smiley self, way more than i have amassed in this newer-2yr-old one.
The very first entry on the 20th of august 2004 from my old blog read,
First Day
" i like considered a 'blogger' now..?? hur hur hur.. oh, THANKS HUI, well in advanced.=D"
cringe-worthy much? i'll prolly get a kick outta reading all the old blogs linked to my old blog. Hours worth of fun!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
one of those sleepless nights.
finally get down to posting photos.
a gajilibillion photos.
and planning september's 'passport to the united states' WOO HOO!
oh and there's part 2 to tour de france if you're wondering "that's not a tour at all"
yeah cuz jijik's taking forever to scan them polaroids. hmpf! hurry up slow poke!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
guess who hit the gym and ran 2.51km today.....
um-hmm proud of me yet??!
i did it in 20mins tho, which translates to a big fat FAIL if i were doing the NAPFA test. then again i can't possibly fail the shape run(which is in exactly 25days) i'll just come in with all the fatty patties at the end.
this is josh after our run. collapsed into a semi-conscious deep-breathing state instead of going to jalan-jalan chari makan with me.
i was so looking forward to maxwell's goreng pisang.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
goreng pisang is like my favourite food right now.
maxwell food centre's got the crispiest, juiciest, longest, most addictive goreng pisang ever.
i think it's becoz they use pisang raja(i'm no banana expert here) but i'm told they're sweeter than the average and packs the most punch.
whatever it is i'm hooked!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
twilight: new moon
the runaways
american beauty
year one
above is a list of movies i watched today.
thank you crowne hotel for free internet access. thank you crowne hotel for tiny but comfy room.
i feel like i'm overcompensating for the newly-discovered time(or lack of) i have left til the Shape run(25th july) so it's been room service and sloth(socordia) ever since. it's all psychological.
according to wiki, the original 7 deadly sins aren't the ones we've now come to know. sloth was substituted for acedia
Main article: Acedia
Acedia (Latin, acedia) (from Greek ακηδία) is the neglect to take care of something that one should do. It is translated to apathetic listlessness; depression without joy. It is similar to melancholy, although acedia describes the behaviour, while melancholy suggests the emotion producing it. In early Christian thought, the lack of joy was regarded as a wilful refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world God created.
somehow i feel this acedia thing sounds like it's urging me to leave my wretched job.

slothing away with my good friend, mint choc cupcake.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
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