Monday, July 27, 2009

another random post that doesn't garner a title.

i deleted the previous post.
a couple of days ago i went to Joanne's to get my hair washed and blown for ayu's wedding dinner, that's when it hit me.
back in 2007, for the better part of it, spurred on by my then newly acquired overwhelm of finances -this was after Alan and before Joanne- i decided that my magnificent mane deserved only the best, Toni & Guy best. 460 buckaroos worth of best. ouch right..
so anyhoos here's the thing, i don't remember being head over heels infatuated with my wash girl/boy, in fact i can't even remember the hairwash itself. it wasn't bad or anything, just very forgettable.
so this completely bazookas the first post on how i fall hopelessly and utterly in love with my washboy/girl/dyke.

Monday, July 13, 2009

salt water kisses

we sat in pseudo rain.
still and silent with,
fallen rain crashing all around us.
without prompting
like a mind reader,
you knew the words
to soothe my wounded heart.
merging together,
tiny droplets of water
become one.
just as we are.

Monday, July 6, 2009

i imagined that there'd be more soup in a french onion soup.
instead i get heaps of soggy brown albeit tasty onions.
and cheese.
heaps of cheese.