i smell like a baby whore cum big haired tai tai.
There's like a miserable quarter of an inch of perfume left in the bottle of Chanel *eeks!
The upside:
My vintage bag(and all its' content) will smell lovely for the next month or so.
Inspired by Will Farrell, i'm gonna go to work tmr(more like 3 hours fr now) standing in front of the crew, i will recite my newly-acquired motto,
'Everybody Love Everybody'
If only the world could be ruled by mottos such. We'd all revert back to Hare Krishna and flower/weed power. The world would see heaps more smiles.

My cat's got an eating disorder. He binge-eats then pukes. Initially i figured it was hairballs and those normal kitty issues, then after much scrutiny i noted how he only pukes after he binges. First round of biscuits. Nothing. Second serving of treats. Puke.
Guilt gets to my kitty. He's bulimic.
My nails haven't got their second coat of laquer yet.
But I gotta start getting ready for work now.
Cab rides and nail polish don't exactly go hand in hand.
Looks like i don't exactly have other options.
Today was fun. Silly pictures. Silly antics. Silly movie. Silly fun!
Today was fun. Silly pictures. Silly antics. Silly movie. Silly fun!